The eighth offering from Ten Pages Press is an excerpt from a larger collection of poems about Alfred Hitchcock. I hope you will enjoy A Taste of Hitchcock by Lyn Lifshin.

DREAM # 527

another train dream.
It’s not the first one but
usually he’s the conductor
in charge directing the
shots. But this time he’s
lost his ticket, has no idea
of the destination. The
train twists thru blinding
sun and dark chasms. His
reflection in the bathroom
glass startles. Is it a twin, a
double he wonders, lulled
by the jostle of rails. He
dreams he orders a double
vodka, imagines the man
in the train glass is his
double, a twin. Suddenly
the train goes to the under
world and he imagines
the dark tunnel is a
lens he’s viewed
thru that he can’t
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